Sunday, February 21, 2016

February Focus at Spring Valley Media Center

For the month of February with grades 3-5 I will be focusing on presidents. Presidents Day is in February and many students do not know much about Presidents of the United States. We will learn about the various biographies on presidents in the library and watch a video on President Abraham Lincoln. Students will then do mini research on NCWISE OWL on a president of their choice.

I have two favorite biographies on President Lincoln. Lincoln: A Photobiography by Russell Freedman and Abe's Honest Words: The Life of Abraham Lincoln by Doreen Rappaport. Students thoroughly enjoy learning about President Lincoln, especially during Black History Month. They can clearly see the connections with African-Americans.

Anansi the Spider Stories

I admit it. I love Anansi the Spider stories. Every month for Black History, I always say I am going to do something different, but I always come back to the Anansi stories. Why? Because they are so good!

Every time I read them to my students, they gobble them and always, ALWAYS want to check them out. The versions by Eric Carle are the best, in my honest opinion.

The lessons in these folktales are numerous. They teach students about honesty, consequences of choices, being on our best behaviors, and the importance of being nice to people.

A Story, A Story by Gail E. Haley is a good version, too.